The Tokunoshima Kurogumi homepage is an information site for Tokunoshima
Sancho (Tokunoshima Town, Isen Town, Amagi Town). This is the official
website of the Isen-cho Nishi-Isen-Nishi (Kurogumi) village on Tokunoshima
in the Amami Islands (islands)..
(徳之島は,世界自然遺産登録を目指す島,闘牛の島,長寿の島,泉 重千代・本郷かまと,子宝の島・五つ子ちゃんの島です。)
We refer to the "Tokunoshima kurogumi homepage website (official site)",
thank you.It is Kagoshima Prefecture Birashima (Kyurajima) Amami-Tokunoshima
Isen town "kurogumi hamlet" village homepage (communication).I
do not know came to be called like that "kurogumi" from time,
before anything in '10, sports day of school (black, red and white of red,
white, green, blue), the sports festival event meetings, etc. , it is the
name that endeared is called "kurogumi" in many places.